Ross Carroll Lasse Andersen Ross Carroll Lasse Andersen

Uncivil Mirth: Ridicule in Enlightenment Britain

In this episode, Robin Mills talks to Dr Ross Carroll about his recently published book Uncivil Mirth – Ridicule in Enlightenment Britain (Princeton, 2021). Ross Carroll examines how leading Enlightenment thinkers thought about the purpose, possibilities and limits of public discourse in their search for an acceptable form of ridicule, one that supported religious toleration, the abolition of the slave trade, and the dismantling of patriarchal power. Focussing on Hobbes, Shaftesbury, Hume and Wollstonecraft among others, Ross Carroll’s book casts Enlightenment Britain in a new light, which speaks to our present-day debates about the lack of civility in public discourse.

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