PhD studentship in History of Philosophy

Business Ethics and the History of Philosophy (Department of Management)

This project seeks to advance philosophy in business ethics by drawing upon the history of moral, political, or legal thought. It might explore the implications of an established philosophy (e.g., Aristotelian or Kantian ethics) or of an intellectual tradition neglected in business ethics (e.g., Gandhian or Islamic moral thought) for a contemporary business ethics issue (e.g., corporate responsibility for modern slavery, or AI and the future of work). The project might instead research business ethics in the history of philosophy: e.g., in the works of Aristotle, Hobbes, Kant, Hegel, Smith, and Mill, all of whom wrote on the ethics of commerce or the corporation. The project could also be approached genealogically, by researching how moral questions were resolved, or avoided, in the intellectual history of business ethics as a field of study, or in the history of institutional forms such as the modern corporation or the stock exchange.

The successful applicant will be supervised by Dr. Samuel Mansell and Dr. Cailean Gallagher

Learn more about how to apply here.


J. G. A. Pocock - A Centenary Colloquium


2022 István Hont Book Prize